Color Run for Athletics

We are deeply grateful for everyone's help with this amazing event! Together, over $8,000 was raised for the IMO/IMHS Athletics teams! Your unwavering support and enthusiasm made it truly memorable. We came together as a community to raise funds for IMO/IMHS Athletics teams. What made this event special wasn't just the funds raised, but the sense of togetherness. Whether you were a volunteer, donor, participant, or supporter, your presence made a difference!
A heartfelt thank you to the tireless volunteers who made the event possible and to our sponsors and raffle donations, we could not have done this without your generous contributions!

Here are a few of the hardworking middle and high school athletes you are supporting!

Color Run Fun!

Thank You Sponsors!
We could not have held this incredible event without your generous donations and support!

Raffle Donations
We thank the following businesses for donating to our Color Run Raffle!